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User and Group Management

1. Accessing User and Group Management

Tip: Regular review of user and group settings helps maintain proper access control and security in your Deployaroo environment.

  1. Access Settings Menu:

    • Locate and click on the Settings option in the main navigation menu.
  2. Navigate to User/Group Management:

    • Within the Settings menu, find and select the Users / Groups section.

2. Managing Users

Create New Users

Note: When a new user is created, they are automatically assigned 'Reader' permissions.

  1. Navigate to User Management:

    • Within the Users / Groups section, locate the User Management area.
  2. Create a New User:

    • Click the Create New User button.
    • Enter the following details:
      • Username
      • Password
    • Click Create User to finalize the user creation.

Edit Existing Users

Important: Editing a user allows you to change their username.

  1. Modify User Details:
    • Find the user you wish to edit in the user list.
    • Click the Edit button next to the username.
    • Modify the username as needed.
    • Click Save changes to apply the modifications.

Reset User Passwords

Tip: Use the password generation feature for creating strong, random passwords.

  1. Initiate Password Reset:

    • Locate the user whose password needs resetting.
    • Click the Reset Password button next to their username.
  2. Set New Password:

    • Enter the new password in the New Password field.
    • Confirm the password in the Confirm New Password field.
    • Alternatively, use the Generate button to auto-fill both fields with a strong password.
  3. Complete Reset:

    • Click Reset Password to apply the new password.

Delete Users

Note: The first user created during Deployaroo's initial deployment cannot be removed.

  1. Remove a User:
    • Find the user you wish to delete in the user list.
    • Click the Delete button next to their username.
    • In the confirmation dialog, review the user details.
    • Click Delete to permanently remove the user.

3. Managing Groups

Understanding Default Groups

Important: Deployaroo comes with two default groups: Administrators and Readers. These groups have predefined permissions that cannot be altered.

  • Administrators: Have full access to all Deployaroo features.
  • Readers: Can view history, logs, and the home dashboard, but cannot access settings or deploy virtual machines.

Create New Groups

  1. Navigate to Group Management:

    • Within the Users / Groups section, locate the Group Management area.
  2. Add a New Group:

    • Click the Create a Group button.
    • Enter the required information for the new group.
    • Click Create Group to finalize the group creation.

Edit Existing Groups

  1. Modify Group Details:
    • Find the group you wish to edit in the group list.
    • Click the Edit button next to the group name.
    • Modify the Group Name and Group Description as needed.
    • Click Save Changes to apply the modifications.

Delete Groups

Note: The default Administrators and Readers groups cannot be removed, even if renamed.

  1. Remove a Group:
    • Locate the group you wish to delete in the group list.
    • Click the Delete button next to the group name.
    • In the confirmation dialog, review the group details.
    • Click Delete to permanently remove the group.

4. User-Group Association

Manage User Group Memberships

  1. Add Users to Groups:

    • Find the user you wish to add to a group.
    • Click the + Add to group button next to the user.
    • Select the desired group from the dropdown menu.
    • Confirm the addition.
  2. Remove Users from Groups:

    • Locate the user you wish to remove from a group.
    • Click the - Remove from Group button next to the user's group membership.
    • Confirm the removal.

User Management

Next Steps

After managing users and groups, you may want to:

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