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Deployment History Management

1. Understanding Deployment History

Overview of Deployment Records and Their Importance

Tip: Regular review of deployment history helps in tracking success rates, identifying issues, and improving your deployment processes.

  1. Purpose of Deployment History:
    • Provides a comprehensive record of all VM deployments.
    • Allows tracking of status, progress, and details of each deployment.
    • Enables post-deployment actions such as increasing disk size, updating the operating system, and changing user passwords.

2. Accessing Deployment History

Note: Detailed view of each deployment can be accessed by clicking the 'View Details' icon next to each VM.

  1. Access History Menu:

    • Locate and click on the History option in the main navigation menu on the left-hand side.
  2. View Deployment List:

    • The history page displays a list of all deployments, including:
      • Deployment Date: The date and time when the deployment was initiated.
      • VM Details: Information such as hostname, IP address, RAM, Environment, and template name.
      • Status: The current state of the deployment (e.g., completed, in progress, failed).
      • Time Taken: The duration of VM deployment and configuration.

Deployment History

3. Viewing Detailed Deployment Information

Access Comprehensive Deployment Data

  1. View Ansible Log:
    • Click the View Log button next to any deployment entry.
    • Review detailed Ansible logs and any errors encountered during deployment.

Deployment History Ansible Log

  1. View Detailed VM Information:
    • Click the View Details button next to any deployment entry.
    • Examine a comprehensive view of all information related to the selected VM.

Deployment History Ansible Log

4. Managing Deployed VMs

Perform Post-Deployment Actions

  1. Restart a VM:
    • Locate the Restart VM button next to the desired deployment entry.
    • Click to initiate a hard reset of the VM.

Deployment History

  1. Post-Deployment Actions:
    • Find the post-deployment actions menu for the desired VM.
    • Choose from the following options:
      • Increase Disk Size: Expand the VM's storage capacity.
      • Change User Password: Update the VM user's credentials.
      • Update OS: Perform an operating system update on the VM.

Deployment History Ansible Log

5. Clearing Deployment History

Remove Past Deployment Records

Important: Clearing history only removes deployment records and does not affect your configuration settings or deployed VMs.

  1. Navigate to Backup Settings:

    • Go to Settings > Backup in the main menu.
  2. Clear Deployment History:

    • Locate the Clear History button.
    • Click to delete all deployment history entries.

Clear History

6. Best Practices for History Management

Optimize Your Deployment Tracking

  1. Regular History Review:

    • Schedule routine reviews of deployment history to track success rates and identify trends.
  2. Proactive Issue Identification:

    • Use deployment logs to identify recurring issues or inefficiencies in your deployment process.
  3. Performance Monitoring:

    • Analyze deployment times and success rates to optimize your VM deployment strategies.
  4. Documentation:

    • Use the detailed VM information for documentation and auditing purposes.

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