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Deploying Virtual Machines

1. Selecting Deployment Environment

Choose Network Type and Location

Tip: Deployaroo supports VM deployment in both non-domain and domain networks. Ensure you have the correct network configured before proceeding.

  1. Access Network Selection:
    • Navigate to either the Non-Domain or Domain section in the left-hand menu, depending on your deployment needs.
    • Select the specific network where you want to deploy your VM(s).

Select Network

2. Choosing Deployment Mode

Select Single or Multiple VM Deployment

Note: The default setting is Single Mode. Adjust this based on your deployment requirements.

  1. Locate Mode Toggle:

    • Find the toggle button near the top right of the deployment box.
  2. Select Deployment Mode:

    • Single Mode: For deploying one VM at a time.
    • Multiple Mode: For staging and deploying multiple VMs simultaneously.

Select Operation Mode

3. Configuring VM Details

Enter Essential VM Information

Important: Accurate VM details are crucial for successful deployment. Double-check all information before proceeding.

  1. Fill in Required Fields:

    • Hostname: Enter the desired name for the VM.
    • IP Address: Specify the IP address for the VM.
    • Image Type: Choose the appropriate VM image from available options.
    • CPU: Set the number of CPU cores for the VM.
    • RAM: Determine the amount of RAM for the VM.
  2. Configure Additional Settings (if applicable):

    • For domain networks, you may need to enter domain-specific information.
    • Certain image types may require additional configuration.

VM Details

4. Deploying Virtual Machines

Initiate VM Deployment Process

Tip: In Multiple Mode, stage all desired VMs before initiating deployment.

  1. For Single Mode Deployment:

    • After entering VM details, click the Create VM button to start the deployment process.
  2. For Multiple Mode Deployment:

    • Enter details for each VM and click Stage VM.
    • Repeat for all desired VMs.
    • Once all VMs are staged, click Deploy VMs to initiate deployment of all staged VMs.

Deploy VM

Single Mode Deployment

Deploy VM - Single Mode

Multiple Mode Deployment

Deploy VM - Multiple Mode

5. Monitoring Deployment Progress

Track VM Deployment Status

Note: Deployaroo provides real-time updates on deployment progress through various logging features.

  1. Access Deployment History:
    • Navigate to the History section to view real-time progress of VM deployments via Ansible logs.

Deployment History

  1. Review Detailed Logs:
    • Access the Logs section for comprehensive information about the deployment process and any potential issues.

Detailed Logs

Next Steps

After deploying your virtual machines, you may want to:

Simplify your VM deployments with Deployaroo

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