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VM Images Management

1. Overview of VM Images

Understanding Pre-installed and Community Images

Tip: Familiarize yourself with both pre-installed and community images to leverage a wide range of deployment options.

  1. Access Pre-installed Images:

    • Navigate to Settings > Virtual Machine Images to view default VM images.
  2. Explore Community Images:

2. Adding VM Images

Upload New Images to Deployaroo

Important: Ensure you have the correct zip file containing VM image .yaml and .json before starting the upload process.

  1. Navigate to VM Images Section:

    • Go to Settings in the left-hand menu.
    • Select Virtual Machine Images.
  2. Upload Zip File:

    • Click the Upload Zip button at the top right of the screen.
    • In the file dialog, locate and select your VM image zip file.
    • Click Open to start the upload process.
    • Wait for the upload to complete and new images to appear in the list.

Upload Zip

3. Scanning for Images

Update Available VM Images List

Note: Scanning helps keep your VM image list up-to-date with the latest additions and modifications, A scan is required after intial install of Deployaroo.

  1. Initiate Scan:

    • On the Virtual Machine Images page, click the Scan Images button at the top right.
    • The application will begin scanning for new or updated VM images.
  2. Review Updated List:

    • Wait for the scan to complete. You'll see a notification when it's done.
    • The list will automatically refresh to show the latest images.

Scan Images

4. Managing Image Details

View and Modify Image Information

Tip: Regularly review image details to ensure they align with your deployment needs.

  1. View Image Details:
    • On the Virtual Machine Images page, find the desired image.
    • Click the Details button next to the image.
    • Review the information in the modal window that appears.

View Details

  1. View Playbook Details:
    • Locate the image whose playbook you want to view.
    • Click the View Playbook button.
    • Examine the playbook contents in the modal window.

View Details

  1. Modify Image Details:
    • Find the image you want to modify and click the Edit button.
    • In the modal window, update the Human Name and Template Name fields as needed.
    • Click Save changes to apply your modifications.

Modify Image

5. Deleting Images

Remove Unwanted VM Images

Important: Deleting an image is irreversible. Ensure you no longer need the image before proceeding.

  1. Select Image for Deletion:

    • On the Virtual Machine Images page, locate the image to be deleted.
    • Click the Delete button next to the image.
  2. Confirm Deletion:

    • In the confirmation modal, review the image details.
    • Click Delete to permanently remove the image.

Modify Image

6. Contributing Community Images

Submit Your VM Image to the Community Repository

Tip: Contributing to the community repository helps expand the range of available images for all Deployaroo users.

  1. Prepare Your Image:

    • Thoroughly test your playbook.
    • Create a zip file containing the playbook yml and settings.json file.
    • Ensure the folder name doesn't conflict with existing playbooks.
  2. Submit Your Image:

    • Visit the Deployaroo Images Repository.
    • Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
    • Add your zip file to the appropriate folder in your fork.
    • Commit changes and create a pull request to the original repository.
  3. Provide Submission Details:

    • In the pull request description, include:
      • Image type (non-domain, domain, etc.)
      • Use case
      • Special configurations (if any)
      • Usage instructions
  4. Await Review:

    • Repository maintainers will review your submission.
    • Upon approval, your image will be added to the community repository.
    • The documentation site will be updated accordingly.

Next Steps

After managing your VM images, you may want to:

Simplify your VM deployments with Deployaroo

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